UX/UI Designer
Figma, Photoshop,
Procreate, Whimsical,
Time Spent
8 Weeks
View Prototype
All about Etsy
Etsy is an online marketplace

Inspired by craft fairs where sellers display and sell their homemade items, sellers can create a personal storefront where they list their goods for a fee per item. Most goods are handmade, but sellers can also list used or vintage items.
As of December 2021, Etsy had over 120 million items listed, and connected 7.5 million sellers with 96.3 million buyers.

Etsy has an e-commerce site and an app for mobile devices

Etsy’s main buyer demographic is females ages 18 – 40. Many sellers are also in this demographic, and the business is a popular choice for creators starting their first online store because it’s a simpler option and provides a wider audience.

Etsy splash screen
Mock up of Etsy screen
The Problem

Because Etsy operates as an online marketplace, similar to Amazon, the individual sellers – each with their own brand identity and personality – can get lost as simply another “listing”, potentially causing a disconnect between the seller and buyer.  

How can Etsy increase the connection between sellers and buyers?
The Solution

To bridge more of a connection between the seller and buyer, the designers would like to introduce livestream shopping to the app.  This may also have the bonus effect of increasing downloads of the app, to have access to and use this feature.  

This method of shopping is based off of the “see-now-want-now mentality” and is gaining more popularity because of apps like Tik-Tok.  Etsy would like to draw users away from Tik-Tok and purchase through their marketplace instead.  

Having a more sophisticated way of connecting sellers and buyers through a live shopping experience/feature
may draw more users, increase downloads, and utilize Etsy’s app more fully!

Why Livestream Shopping? (aka Live selling)

Adding a livestream shopping feature to the app allows the business owners to connect to current and potential customers, promoting their products and allowing easy shopping for customers, being able to see the products and add them to their cart and buy quickly.Shoppers can see if the business goes live on the homepage or explore page. The page will showcase different businesses currently live streaming, as suggestions based on users’ activity (favorites, searches, and other interaction). Explore page may also suggest businesses the user might like, with categories (“personalized jewelry,” “shoes,” “home décor,” etc.)

Market Research
Etsy's Strengths
  • Etsy shops are easy to set up and promote your store
  • Direct communication between buyer and seller
  • Emails only from Etsy, not individual shops like shopping online
  • Starting to incorporate video in listings and “posts” on seller page
Etsy's Weaknesses
  • Could be easier to categorize and list products
  • Should be more like a social media platform, sense of community
  • Should give more info about the seller (current bio section is too small)
  • Confusing to have both a buyer account and seller account
Competitive Analysis
Direct competitors and provisional personas
Key Features
Updated UI
With convenient functions improving the experience of both Etsy buyers & sellers
Live Shopping
Capture interest of buyers, motivating them to purchase products & interact with sellers
Virtual Community
Seller can communicate directly with audience & all viewers can chat together
  • 2 Participants, Ages 18 - 30
  • All familiar with Etsy as both buyers & sellers
  • 1 participant has tried livestream shopping
Etsy persona
Etsy Seller Empathy Map
Etsy Empathy Map
Etsy Storyboard
Information Architecture
Feature Roadmap
Feature roadmap
Etsy sketches
Etsy low fidelity wireframes
Interaction Design
Task Flows
Etsy task flows
User Flow
As a small business owner, Ciara wants to interact with her customers through stories so she can keep current customers engaged and grow her business!
Etsy User Flow
UI Design
Etsy logo
Brand & Style
Etsy typography
Etsy brand colors
Added icons for prototyping
High Fidelity Prototype
Etsy prototype screens
View Prototype
Usability Testing
List View vs. Grid View

Participants will test two versions of the “Sell Live Modal” and “Add Products Screen” - one has listings displayed in a “list” while the other layout is a grid.

Etsy uses both of these - grid view to display products for buyers, and list view to display listings for sellers.

Etsy List ViewEtsy grid view layout for products
Testing Participants & Objectives
  • 100% Completion & Error-Free Rate
  • 3 participants, ages: 28 – 64. All familiar with Etsy 
  • Participant 1: Age 31, Uses Etsy as buyer, uses app frequently
  • Participant 2: Age 28, Uses Etsy as buyer & seller, uses app frequently
  • Participant 3: Age 64, Uses Etsy as buyer, never uses app
Affinity Map
Etsy affinity map
  • Feature felt familiar to users, comfortable seeing/using this feature in Etsy’s app
  • 100% of participants agreed the list view would be the most helpful for an Etsy seller
  • 100% of Participants felt feature and new screens reflected Etsy’s style/brand
  • 100% of participants said feature would increase their interest in Etsy
  • 100% of participants thought feature would increase engagement/ interaction between buyers and sellers on Etsy
  • 100% of participants felt the size of the trash can icon was too large
  • 100% of participants wanted to be able to view the entire listing before selecting to sell live
  • 66% of participants suggested a different way of selecting products (using a symbol or selecting the whole box)
Next Steps
  • Decrease size of the trash can icon
  • Use the list view instead of grid view - looks more like inventory, helpful for the seller
  • Possibly select the whole listing to make the pictures bigger, or view all listing details
  • For consistency, use another symbol such as “+” for selecting a new product to add to showcase
Etsy Revisions
Why list view?

100% of participants agreed the list view would be the most helpful for an Etsy seller

The grid view seemed more for the buyer, whereas this view is for the seller because it shows their inventory at a glance.
I prefer this layout. I like how the list view lets you see more, if you’re updating your business, ‘in stock’ helps you know if you should even include it in your livestream showcase - you probably want to sell items that have you have more of.
List view for product modal
I feel like this is more organized, and I can immediately see how many of this item are in stock - so I would think I need to get this item in my showcase now and sell it!
I feel like I can more easily select the items, I just feel like its more intuitive to place my finger here, I feel more comfortable scrolling up and down and I would have that immediate reaction to do that.
List view for adding products
Next Steps

Implementing liveshopping feature, user testing with Etsy sellers

  • Sellers can create stories, go “Live” and live sell
  • Buyers can join livestreams, chat directly with the sellers, and purchase items that are being sold live - or simply be persuaded to visit the shop (and hopefully become a customer!)

Integrating selling into main Etsy app

  • Efficiently switch between selling and buying (ex: Poshmark)
  • Sellers can easily import their listings (ex: using a spreadsheet)
  • Sellers can access their shop - listings, messages, orders, etc.

Let's connect!